The Destruction of Our Standard of Living.


Dear Friends,


It seems to me, government policies are destroying the middle class in America, and unless the political elite are drooling idiots, the destruction is intentional. From the prices we pay for our needs, to the wage suppression government policies encourage, we are under assault from every direction. While our government scoffs at our Constitution and ignores their own laws we are held to every word of arcane regulation. The veil of secrecy around government and it’s actions grows while every facet of our lives is being recorded for prosecution at a later date. Our taxes are increasing at an alarming rate and the money is sent to Hamas to kill our only real allies in the region. The New Class political elite have been on a crusade to lower the standard of living of the American worker for years, and now the results are showing up for all of us to see, but many refuse to look and blindly follow the elite like lemmings. If we are to turn this around, giving our kids hope for a better life instead of a perpetually lowering standard of living, we must force the political elite to follow their own laws and our Constitution, returning the US to Constitutional rule upon which it was founded, else America will inevitably become a third world hell hole.


The business and economic elite claim there is no inflation. As the price we pay for food, housing, heat, electricity, gasoline, clothes and cars gets ever higher, the smartest people in the room claim that because I pads are cheaper, the substitution effect, and wages are stagnant, there is no inflation. The absurdity of their opinion is lost on them. I don’t buy and I pad a day but I have to eat every day, moreover, I can’t substitute an I pad for a loaf of bread. No matter how low the price of a computer gets I will only buy one when the one I am using breaks, but I have to get around, and so I have to pay for gasoline. The reality is, inflation can be driven by wages or regulation but the definition of inflation is an increase in costs, not in wages.


Speaking of wages, have your wages kept pace with the price of hamburger? Why do you suppose that is? Because government policies are destroying jobs while the government has opened the flood gates to illegal immigrants. As the number of jobs declines and the number of people looking for those jobs increases, while at the same time the cost of labor increases from regulation, there will be increasing pressure driving down wages, it is basic supply and demand. Raising minimum wage only fuels price inflation and in fact lowers everyone’s real wages, thus lowering the standard of living for everyone, without the benefit of a single person being helped. At least the elite can claim they have done something, something that has hurt instead of helped, do you suppose they are so stupid they don’t know that?


Our government is building a huge data storage facility in Utah to keep their illegal and unconstitutional recordings of our personal phone conversations, emails, and any other digital communications the government sweeps up in the NSA spying operation. Meanwhile, the actions of our government get darker and more hidden. As we drive down the street we are videoed, our license plates are recorded along with our location and the time we were there, but try to record the police and you or I would be incarcerated. Moreover, why are there 28 pages redacted from the 911 report? According to congressmen who have read them, if they were to become public, they would force every American to rethink what we know of the history of that day and who our enemies really are. So why are we being kept ignorant? Government seeks to hide their actions in the dark, but we all know what grows in the dark, mold and corruption.


Taxes and government fees go up constantly. As our government drives down wages and drives up the prices we pay for our needs, it is also raising our taxes to absurd levels, increasing the strain on our standard of living. Warren Buffett complained he was paying a lower tax rate than his secretary, so the government stepped in, raising his secretary’s taxes. No matter how high our tax burden gets our government always spends $2.00 for ever $1.00 they take in. As a result, the higher our taxes get, the more our government goes into debt. Couple this with what they spend our money on like, making indigence a career choice, buying rockets for Hamas to attack our allies with, funding every third world dictator’s Swiss bank account and giving economic aid to China, etc… and even a blind man can see why we are in such debt.


The New Class promotes the economic assault in every way, in the media, academia and culture they are unanimous in their adoration of government power and prerogative. The New Class sees nothing wrong with bringing in millions of illegal aliens to suppress our wages by creating a permanent underclass, passing thousands of pages of regulations that promote crony capitalism, keeping the actions of our “democratic” government in secrecy, while monitoring us to the nth degree, and they have no problem with arming Islamic militants against our allies. We have to face the fact that the elite, who make up the new class, are totally on board with the sinking of the US standard of living, and are the real problem.


All the actions our government is doing to destroy our standard of living could not happen if the political elite were held to their own laws and our Constitution. The entire regulatory structure of the US is based on one flawed ruling, Wickard v Filburn. That one flawed anti Constitutional ruling by the Supreme court has allowed this absurdity to grow like an aggressive cancer in our government and our economy. It needs to be overturned as badly as Dred Scott did. The only way to stop the trend to total economic separation between the rich and poor in America, like we see in third world countries, is to force the elite to follow their own laws, and our Constitution as it was written and intended. I offer one method in my book, The Fourth Branch, but there are others that might work as well. The point is, we must start holding government and those that serve in government accountable before it’s too late, if it isn’t already.





John Pepin


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