
Dear Friends,

It seems to me that India has just finished a free and fair election. (at least as viewed from my vantage point). The subcontinent is on it’s way to economic power. And I am impressed that India has a manned Space Exploration initiative! The shackles on India are the caste system, too much government, terrorism, too much ignorance that fosters socialist and communist thought.

The potential of India is staggering. With a giant population as a titanic resource at it’s disposal, India can become wealthy and powerful in a generation, (if it has the will). The problem is that people’s opinions have momentum. They are hard to move but opinion builds on itself. The communists and progressives have been using this tool to gain power since their inception. Take the “green” movement…

People’s opinions in India are deeply entrenched. The caste system will not go away soon. Terrorism is out of the hands of the Indian government and people. All they can do is mitigate the occurrences and outcomes.

But too much government can be swept away with a bold enough pen. The people must be well read enough to know the positive outcomes that these innovations hold for them and their children. Not immediately but in a decade or so…

The communists, progressives and socialists chant immediate fixes. They always do redistribute someone else’s money. The result of which is the lowering of the total wealth of the nation. Thus the worsening of the lot of every person in that nation. Causing the need for more redistribution, and on and on…

Education in the entrepreneurial spirit in the hinterlands would be great if the wasn’t an underlying societal myth of the caste system. Using religion as justification the caste system will hold India back for generations. Nonetheless, actually unbiased Education, about Twentieth Century history would go a long way to stemming the communists and socialists.

That is not to say India has not done a terrific job educating her children. The people of India are as well educated as any in the World. Reading rates are very high. India has come a long way in the World community. From the Raj to free and fair elections. India is coming fast… the rest of the World should take notice.

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