Appeasement Begets War

Dear Friends,


It seems to me, it takes two for peace, and only one for war. Where one party to a conflict is intent upon war, war is inevitable, usually on the aggressor’s terms. No matter how much the pacifist party may want peace, war will be thrust upon them, especially if they display sufficient weakness to give the aggressor a good chance at winning. This is a universal truth about humanity. History is clear on this subject, if a political union wants war, no matter how much the other side doesn’t… there will be war. It seems our politicians have forgotten this basic truth.


History is full of examples where this has happened. The Greeks didn’t want war with Darius, but Darius made war on them, the Persians didn’t want war with Alexander, but they became his subjects, the Russians didn’t want war with Tamerlane, but millions of Russian Christians were slaughtered and enslaved by his invading army, and the French didn’t want war with Nazi Germany, but they were invaded and conquered within a month. History is rife with thousands of examples of people who wanted only to live in peace, but were forced to fight a war.


History is so absolute on this subject it must be understood as a fundamental rule of state interaction. The only cases where war has been avoided, is where the aggressor couldn’t get a tactical or strategic advantage, and so all out war was avoided. The Cold War is an example of this. An understanding of this basic human attribute is where the phrase, “if a nation wants peace, it must prepare for war,” came from. Those who wield political power have the best educations but have a blind spot for this truism. They try to pacify the war monger with concessions of land, subjects and money.


The Turkish empire demanded money and children from Europe in the dark ages. Many children were sent to the Ottomans, who were then forcibly converted to Islam, and made into Janissaries. They became shock troops for future invasions of Europe. Millions of dollars of ransom was paid to the Barbary Pirates to protect shipping, and to get back captured people who were enslaved, even in the modern era, Chamberlain signed a “peace” treaty with Hitler, and we all know how that turned out. History shows that appeasement is the surest way of being subjected to war.


Millions upon millions of human beings have died at the hands of those who sought war. The suffering that appeasement has brought into the world is as heartbreaking as it is mind boggling. No amount of supplication will change the minds of evil men who seek power, glory and wealth, it only encourages them. To encourage evil is to be evil. Those that claim, if we enrich those who openly call for our destruction, it will make them like us… are either stupid or treasonous. If they understand history and the ramifications of it, they are traitors, and if they are so profoundly stupid they don’t understand this attribute of human nature, they have no business anywhere near the reigns of power.


That is why Ronald Reagan sought peace through strength. His policies headed off a nuclear war that could have wiped mankind and most of the ecosystem from the face of the planet. He understood history and the lessons that it teaches. Moreover, he was a patriot, wanting to see the US avoid all out war. Our leaders today, on the other hand, give billions of dollars to those who openly call for our destruction. They bend over backward appeasing those that chant “Death to America” and call the US “The Great Satan.” Our mortal enemies are given total access to our defense department’s top secret documents, and our politicians even allow people with ties to Islamofascists, to edit our policies how to fight the war on terror! Our government calls Christians, patriots and constitutionalists, terrorists but not Muslims who detonate bombs in marathons. Shooting our troops in our own base while chanting alou akbar is called “workplace violence!” So I ask you, is the President an absolute fool, or is he a traitor? Because there are no other possibilities.





John Pepin

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