Social and Cultural Underpinnings of Capitalism

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, all the positions that our political elite take, are geared to undermining the capitalist system. It is well known that the market system stands on legs not of it’s own making. Economists have opined unendingly about how the capitalist mode of production is based on societal factors that predate capitalism. They also make the point that capitalism, by it’s very existence, undermines these supports that capitalism needs to remain functional. Kicking out these legs then is the primary focus of most socialists. Because they know that if these supports are destroyed, capitalism will collapse of it’s on weight, and they can step in and visit socialism on all of mankind.

The family unit is extremely important for the market system to function. Capitalism requires as a prerequisite, capital to function, and the family unit provides an important incentive to save. If a person, say a member of the bourgeois, has no children his or her time horizon for the funds he or she saves is dramatically shortened. Instead of setting aside savings for their children and grand children the time horizon is limited to their own lifetime. This provides incentives for a rational maximizer to set aside only that money that will provide for them in their old age, and no more, because the extra savings will be unneeded, and furthermore, will only lower the standard of living of the saver, due to the opportunity cost of the extra savings. Therefore, the family unit is under attack by the policies and actions of the political elite, who seek a socialist future. Can you think of examples of where they do this?

Religion is a fundamental necessity for a market system to work. Religious people tend to be more ethical than people who have no moral foundation. If there is no afterlife to worry about, then why not steal, cheat and swindle, everyone you come across? The only rational reason for those without religion to be ethical is the threat of State punishment. Those who have the ability to elude criminal sanctions have no motivation at all to act morally. In fact, they have a very great motivation to grab what they can, because if there is no reward or punishment then they must live as good as they can, in their limited lifespan. Therefore, religion must be undermined by the socialist, that is why Marx came up with the saying, “religion is the opium of the people.” Do you know of other ways the political elite undermine religion?

The importance of the work ethic cannot be understated. People without a work ethic cannot engage in the market system. They not only lower the productivity of the firm they work for, but there is an even more pernicious action of a poor work ethic, it undermines other people’s work ethic. For a firm to compete in the marketplace it must produce a want or a need for human beings. It must produce that want or need as efficiently as possible else another firm will supplant them. In this if people cannot be found with a work ethic then businesses cannot function in the marketplace. Therefore, it is of the greatest concern to the socialist, to destroy the work ethic of the people. What policies of our political elite do you suppose undermine the work ethic?

There are other important societal and civil factors that allow the market system to work. Some of these are, independence, diverse wants, education, the drive to get ahead and many others too numerous to name. These things are required for capitalism to work, they predate capitalism and the market system itself undermines some of them, through it’s effect on the mindset of people. The socialist must seek to eliminate these attributes of people, to facilitate the collapse of the market system, ushering in socialism. The socialists know this and pass legislation to destroy these important foundational underpinnings of capitalism. If we want to protect our children from the horrors of the socialist state, we must then protect and nurture these things, so as to allow the capitalist system to continue. To do otherwise is to help the socialist enslave all of humanity.


John Pepin

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