It Is Against My Conscience to…

Dear Reader,

I recently heard that the Obama administration is seeking to rescind the “conscience clause” from the abortion decree of the Supreme Court. That is if a person in the health care industry, finds abortion abhorrent and a mortal stain on one’s soul, they wouldn’t be forced to do abortions or administer them.

The hubris of government to do this is beyond reason. How can a government that was founded on the premise of individual liberty do such a thing?

Imagine a government deciding, by court order, that it is necessary for white people to spit in the face of every black person they meet. The Black person being required to accept it gracefully. Then compelling even people who find this behavior obnoxious, to do it, at risk of their job? Most people can easily see the hubris and overstepping of this evil dictate. How can it be possible that forcing a person to do something they find to be far worse, at the risk of their job, less tyrannical?

Is there anything more tyrannical for a government to do, than to force an individual to do something they believe will lead to their being condemned to hell, for eternity? Think of the magnitude of that. How can any government compel that level of loyalty? In what universe does that make any sense? What could government possibly offer in return? If the odds against there being a God, were a trillion to one, it would be a bad bet…

Regardless of whether or not God exists the question is valid. We are talking about government compelling action that an individual finds abhorrent. Action that the individual believes is mortal sin. No matter if sin is actual or supposed, the individual is still compelled to do that he or she finds to be sin, by the government.

So if even a person as blind as I can easily see the error in rescinding the conscience clause of the court dictate on abortion . I wonder why those that are far more intelligent than I, the Elite that run our society, cannot…

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