Double Standard

Dear Friends,

It seems to me that the conviction of Alberto Fujimori is both distressing and uplifting.

See an article in the WSJ here;

It is distressing in the true double standard that exists in the world media, and the public’s opinion, that is shaped by it. As well as the real double standard in the judicial systems of the world. Can you imagine, in any universe, Fidel Castro being convicted and sentenced to twenty five years in jail for crimes against humanity? No honest person could even compare the crimes of Fidel to those of Fujimori. It is like comparing a nematode and a tyrannosaurus rex. When Fidel came to power he rounded up FIFTY THOUSAND (50,000) people, and by Fidel Castro’s order, they were shot. That is only one of thousands of crimes against humanity that is widely known about Fidel. Can you picture any country in the world treating Fidel Castro as was Pinochet? Castro was philosophically in line and helped fund the Shining Path.

Some of the atrocities of the Shining Path are documented here;

On the other hand it gives me hope that people are starting to catch on about government corruption. The President of Peru now is Alan Garcia. He is almost certainly far more corrupt than Fujimori. In fact I believe that this is a politically motivated trial and conviction. But that said, Garcia is establishing a precedent. One that will almost certainly come back to bite him… And (let’s pray) other tyrants…

It is a hopeful sign that some corrupt leaders are being held to task. I would like to see some of the truly evil leaders that have profoundly lowered the lot of man put on trial. But unfortunately that will not happen soon. The left controls the apparatus of International Law.

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