Decadence and Our Cultural Elite

Dear Friends,

It seems to me that every evil we face as a people is a direct result of our culture. We have allowed people to control our culture who despise our way of life. It is obvious, to give such power to someone who hates our society and founding principles, is a path to certain destruction. Our cultural Elite move us, as a people, through television, the government monopoly schools, news, and printed media, towards a society that they believe will be better. The unfortunate fact however is, the future they seek has proven itself, over and over, to be filled with unspeakable horrors. Some of the worst atrocities ever visited on mankind have been by people who have held these same ideas. To stop the slide to oblivion, we must take back the reigns of the culture, steering it to a society based on the original values of our founders, guided by our religious morality and human heartedness.

The breakup of the nuclear family is a direct result of the glamorizing of affairs by influential celebrities. We all look to the beautiful people for examples of what is a good life. When they model decadence, idleness and debauchery we follow them to it. The push now for gay marriage has nothing to do with rights but everything to do with the lowering of people’s esteem for marriage. The Brown shirts were led by a gay man. Once their usefulness was exhausted Hitler massacred them and made all the gay people wear upside down pink pyramids. His tolerance for the gay agenda went only as far as it served his interests but no further. Today’s gay culture will relive history once their “allies” have achieved their pernicious ends. The intolerant have no tolerance once they have total power.

Schools are facing hordes of maladjusted children today due to the negative effects of our culture. The dramatic rise in emotionally challenged youth, is because of the undermining of the nuclear family and the undermining of moral behavior, by our cultural Elite. The message that Western culture is bad and any alternative is good saturates their lives. They see that Christians are forced to pay for Piss Christ but when someone disparages Islam, in a foolish movie, they are arrested in the dark of the night. The message is clear… Christianity is bad Islam is good. The daily monstrosities that Islam visits on the people of the Middle East are glossed over and every historical atrocity the Christians have committed is dramatized by the cultural Elite. Moral equivalence is the rage in our schools. The philosophical concept, that when someone does an atrocity that is against their religion, it reflects on them not the religion, but when someone engages in atrocities, as their religion commands, it reflects on the religion not them… is lost or purposely misplaced on the purveyors of culture.

The crime we deal with is a result of the culture denigrating hard work in favor of idleness. The entitlement mentality could not take hold unless we are inculcated to it. People, by nature, seek activity but when we are told over and over that diversion is the highest good, and labor is the worst evil, we fall into the trap of indolence. The message our children are taught is, to flip burgers at McDonald is humiliating, but to take food stamps is not. Every possible means to elevate taking food stamps to a virtue, is employed by the elite, in both culture and government. In a society where working is a undignified act but taking a handout is virtue, cannot long sustain it’s standard of living, and must become destitute sooner rather than later.

These are only a few examples of how our cultural Elite create the conditions in our society that disintegrate the foundation of it. Our children are the chief victims but their children will take the brunt of the worst results. Unless we change the course our posterity will live under the totalitarian conditions of depravity and want. They will have totally lost the ability to recognize good and their humanity will be “evolved” away from them. We are as complicit as the cultural Elite in this. They work in plain sight and we say nothing. They undermine the family at every turn and we cheer them on. They turn the protestant work ethic, that has served America so well for so long, into a forest of arms raised for a social security disability check, and we chuckle at Charlie Sheen boffing some bimbo and passing life in a drunken haze. We are not hand puppets but human beings with self determination and free will. It is up to us to return our culture to a positive influence on our children. Else they and their children will suffer the consequences. To do nothing is voting for our own collapse.


John Pepin

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