
Dear Friends,

It seems to me that most people agree that Hitler was evil. They also agree that he was evil because of his racial philosophy. That is; “The Aryan race is superior to all others.” Then Hitler put to death those that did not fit his idea of a perfect human, (as defined by race). Practicing a form of eugenics.

The lowest common denominator of Hitler’s philosophy is that one group of people is superior to all others. Francis Bacon’s Idols of the tribe. Hitler classified people by race. What difference the way that potential Loki’s choose to classify the groups. Whether by race, class, caste, wealth, etc… Or the rhetoric Aryan, Jew, Slav, Bolshevik, bourgeoisie, proletariat, wet back, downtrodden, etc… the means are the same. To despise the one and practice the other is the definition of hypocrisy.

The irony is that those that decry Hitler’s evil the loudest are the very ones that we should fear most. They are the ones that are most likely to visit those same evils on us, war, revolution etc… They feel righteousness in their anger at the injustice, and cast an ever vigilant eye at their neighbor, lest he have a mote in his. All the while the watcher ignores the plank in his own.

It is human nature to be this way. Hsun Ching said that the congenital nature of man is evil. For the same reason Carnadaes said that law is only an expediency. And poor Glaucon wanted justice to be a good of the best kind, but thought it only a useful good. We seek the easiest way. That is how we can be evil and good at the same time. We look to the easiest path, but ignore the briars a few feet ahead.

The path of grouping people and pitting them, us, against each other, is evil no matter who does it. No matter how well it works. Whenever you hear someone saying you should dislike a group of people because they are, whatever, the person is really telling you he is. Pay attention!

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