Ignorance Is No Excuse Under Law

Dear Friends,

It seems to me that I was taught that “Ignorance is no excuse under the Law.” That is the standard that you and I are held to. If I break the law and say, “I’m sorry it was a mistake, I am incompetent.” The law will be applied to my situation regardless.

For example lets say that I didn’t report $100,000.00 of tax for several years. I have no expectation of being forgiven and allowed to simply pay the money, without punitive penalties and interest. That is how the law will be applied to you and I. But it appears that ignorance is a valid excuse under the law for the Elite.

Lately our noses have been rubbed into the fact over and over again. How does that make you feel? That you are held to a higher standard of personal conduct than the Elite who set that standard? It makes me feel like there is no justice. How can there be justice when the Elite can do what they want without repercussions. Yet you and I would be severely punished for far lesser crimes. That is the definition of injustice.

Bastiat had something to say at this point. In The Law, Bastiat said that “government is seen as a means to plunder.” That is why everyone so wants to control the apparatus of power. As a means to plunder the wealth of others and keep their wealth from being plundered. In this context then, what is the Stimulus package, a means to plunder the wealth of the working class to give to the cronies of the Elite. Notice who is getting the money. We are being pointed at some relatively small points to obscure the larger picture. That point is, that we are being robbed, to give to the rich.

So on some level we all know we are being lied to, stolen form, suppressed, and laughed at by the Elite. Some think that all they need to do is gain power and all that will change. Yea, they will be plunderers, and the rest of us…

The answer is to hold the Elite to the same standard as they hold us. Can you imagine being forgiven for owing the government $1000.00 let alone $10,000.00 or $100,000.00? You or I would go to jail. Armed FBI agents would surround our homes and besiege us. We would be made an example of. I can’t think of a better example to set than the Elite going to jail for not paying taxes.

Is the example they have set better or worse for our society?

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