Elite’s Assault on the Constitution

Dear Friends,

It seems to me the US Constitution is under assault as it never has been before. Woodrow Wilson and FDR came close to destroying it, but fortunately for us, they were stopped by the Constitution‘s innate checks and balances. This assault is becoming more and more open. Those that believe it should be thrown out are coming out of the woodwork and avowing their antipathy to our sacred document. If you want your children to live in liberty you must open your eyes!

How scary is it, when one of our Supreme Court Justices, expresses hatred for the Constitution, while traveling abroad! It is amazing, that someone who has more of a fondness for the old Soviet Constitution, would ever be put in charge of protecting the US Constitution. What insanity! She should be impeached immediately. If there is no proscribed means… then by all means, lets add an amendment to it, so we can! Any Supreme Court Justice that despises the Constitution is not going to protect it. A total fool can clearly see that. But the Elite think us so stupid and blind that we won’t? If Ruth Bader Ginsburg is typical of the caliber person we have, protecting our only safeguard from the Elite, the US Constitution, then we are in DIRE straights my friends!

The Obama administration is openly passing laws prohibiting the free exercise of Roman Catholics, and other religions, who have scriptural doctrine against murder… in any form. Abortion is murder no matter if it is committed with a pill, (poison), or it is done with scissors, (dismemberment). The child is killed, no matter if he or she is, killed with toxins or chopped up feet first, the result is the same, the death of a human being. The Roman Catholic Church, along with many other Protestant churches, abhor abortion in any form. Other religions have scriptural prohibitions against abortion as well.

The Elite want to qualify the definition of a human being. Today they exclude the life stage of “fetus” but tomorrow they are pushing to exclude infant as well. The life stage of elderly will be next. Human life itself has been downgraded, by the National Institute of health, to the same level as a dandelion weed. The NIH came out with a new ethics recommendations that claims, “if it is not immoral to weed a garden then” [it is not immoral to kill a human being.] This lowers all of us, no matter the life stage we are in, to a weed in the eyes of government. (If we are no longer useful to the government). Obama the orator, has set up whole life panels, to decide who should live and who should die. Making Obama care, healthcare, distributed by political favor. Is that a form of, promoting the general welfare, or the Elite’s welfare?

The recent article in the New York Times, that derided the US Constitution as “archaic” and “idiosyncratic,” is another example of the open assault. The writer of the article seems to prefer a Constitution that gives government far more power then the US Constitution. He claims that the US Constitution has lost favor around the World lately. One of the modern Constitutions he refers to, as better, is the South African Constitution. That one is unabashedly Marxist. The South African economy has fallen steadily since it adopted the communist manifesto as their constitution. There will eventually be widespread bloodshed there because of it. To argue, the South African Constitution is better, than one that has lasted longer, and provided more liberty for more people, than any other, bar none, is absurdity in ten foot red neon lights!

Constitutions are the only means ever devised to protect the people from the rapine and wanton power of the Elite. The reason other Constitutions have not lasted is because they empower the Elite. A cycle is started where the empowered Elite soon become tyrants. The tyranny leads inexorably to bloodshed. The government topples. Then, a new Marxist Constitution that empowers faction, is written, to replace the old Marxist Constitution that empowered faction. The cycle passes aphelion and continues on.

What it boils down to is this, We better wake up fast, or we will wake up to a tyranny. Like the song says, “How did I get here?” The US Constitution has, so far, broken the cycle, but is now in mortal danger. Will you muster to it’s defense or participate in it’s destruction by your indolence? You have to choose one or the choice will be made for you. The one made for you, will most assuredly, be the wrong one.


John Pepin

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