Independence and the Elite

Dear Reader,

It seems to me that almost everyone would want to be independent. Free from government intrusion into their lives.

History shows that no one is immune from the vulgarities of fortune. (As epitomized in the Solon/Croesus story related elsewhere in this website). If we are subject to having anything we have taken violently from us the only thing we can be said to really have is ourselves. Where was the first place an army intruding into a city, in the city States period, did an invading army go? To the towers built by the rich, to elevate themselves and keep safe their gold, from the people. They knew where the gold was. An army can resort to tactics to enter a tower that a mob cannot. Forcefully assuring our premise, (that the only thing we can be said to really have is ourselves).

By ourselves I mean to say all that we are. Our lives can be taken at any moment by misfortune, sickness, age or violence, but, who we are and what we think, but not what we do, is out of the reach of the Elite. I should think the average person would want to be as far from the influence of the Elite to compel action as possible. The wiser person would want their children to be free from the Elite’s indoctrination.

The Nazi’s took children from their parents to minimize the possible bad influence of them, indoctrinated them, and turned them into the Hitler Youth. It was all done very logically. Beware of the Elite’s logic when it comes to the interests of the children. Our children are nothing but tools to them. The reason they are the Elite is that they are sociopaths.

Once the door has been opened it cannot be shut. As the Elite gain power it cannot be taken back… without the use of violence. Seldom is there a bloodless coup. So I would think that everyone (who is not a member of the Elite) would want to be as independent from government as possible. But I guess I’m wrong… Judging by the last two elections in the USA.

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