My Confession

Dear Friends,

It seems to me that there can be an effective ad homonym attack made on me and my motives in writing my blogs. The assault could be that I stand to gain materially if the ideas that I write about are implemented. Unfortunately this is true. I do stand to gain if the ideas that I write about are implemented. Lets look further into it…

Take for example if the NUMA were implemented in some country other than the one I live in. The people of that country would enjoy genuine liberty because their government would be actually yoked. The Elite would be harnessed to the interests of the society as a whole instead of a faction only. This would indirectly benefit me in that if the tyranny of the World’s people is lowered then, as a member of the human race, I stand to gain as well. So in this example I can be vilified.

Another example is if Capitalist Social Security were implemented in some other country than that which I live. The people in that country would start building societal/generational wealth. The prosperity and economic stability that such a system would provide would boost the economy of that country. As the years go on and the fund builds the amount of money available for starting a firm would grow to be enormous. This would allow large projects to be initiated locally with local resources. The increase in economic activity this would generate would directly benefit every one ion the planet and I live on the planet…

As the economy of any country is improved World aggregate demand is driven up. As World aggregate demand is driven up supply must necessarily be driven up to meet the demand. This is the basis of the aggregate supply aggregate demand model of macro economics. So even in this I would directly benefit. Again opening me to criticism that all I do is try to get people to implement ideas that are actually in my self interest.

Woe to me if regulation was periodically washed of redundant rules. This would again drive up economic activity in any country that did it. Again opening me to the criticism that I write in my self interest only. Regulations being as pernicious as they are a source of friction.

Greece being the poster child of stupid regulation. When regulation in a country becomes so onerous that economic activity must cease people go around it. When they do, as they must, they become more and more egoistic and less and less individualistic. This is the fundamental problem in Greece. The corruption in the society is manifested in endemic tax evasion, scoff law behavior, etc… All because regulation is out of control. The first step to repairing the problem is to overhaul regulation in Greece. Until that is done the Greek sovereign debt crisis will be combed over with less and less hair.

So here is another example of me writing in my own self interest! If the Greek sovereign debt crisis is solved I stand to personally gain money! Yes it is true. If the Greek sovereign debt crisis is actually resolved the US stock market would rise dramatically. I am invested in the US stock market so I stand to materially gain if my idea is implemented.

Never mind if my ideas are implemented in my own country! The added prosperity for the entire country would go up. I am a member of that society, so I would gain from it, directly and materially. Damming evidence to be sure.

Even my posterity would directly benefit from the implementation of my ideas. So even in this I have potentially corrupt motives. To improve the lives of my family and extended family. But even the lives of people that I know and even friends would be better off. You see; there is no bottom to my corrupt motives.

So in the glaring light of scrutiny, of my motivations in writing this blog and founding this party, I must be found guilty. Yes I admit it. I am guilty of wanting to personally benefit from improving the lot of Mankind. It is unfortunately true, that if my ideas are implemented the lot of humanity will improve, and I being a human will have my personal lot improved as well. I beg your forgiveness and understanding.

But the blogs will continue…

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